My kids have recently discovered they love jumping in the lake! We found a dock that's been for sale for a long time right in the cove where Terry likes to ski. It's a great place for the kids to hang out while Terry skis (getting them out of the boat reduces the wake), and they finally got brave enough to try jumping in. I love these pictures! The older guy is Mike Baker, a Moody Aviation grad that we befriended years ago and who recently came to town for a visit. Rebecca jumped, too, but not with the camera!
I remember when James was only four years old how he loved to jump from the top of your dock into the lake. I can still picture him, the thrill on his face and his laughter.
Those are really great photos. I especially like the first one. Noah looks like he's sitting (casually) in mid air. In the last one, since Noah and Caleb are about at the same height, it sort of looks like they're dancing on an invisible floor.
Ann, I very much remember your kids jumping off the dock, though the one I remember most is Lisa. She was only about two, but that didn't stop her.
Terry says this dock is about twice as high as our old one. I didn't jump yet, but I think it would be cool to get our whole family in a "jump shot."
I like the pictures too! Mom....when did you get those? LOL!
Lisa would probably be afraid to jump now. She really doesn't like heights!
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