Since I first read The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy, I have been a fan of A.W. Tozer. His reflections on God were deep enough that I would re-read them for pleasure but not so difficult that I had to re-read them just for understanding. Tozer himself was apparently a voracious reader, and this volume gave me a chance to read excerpts from writers who influenced his spiritual journey.
I loved this book! I used it during my devotional time for several weeks. Some of the writers featured were known to me (Spurgeon, Moody, Calvin, etc.) but many were saints I had never heard of. My favorite selections were from St. Anselm (who was the Archbishop of Canterbury around 1100 AD), and I have been inspired to read more of his work. The writing is a bit archaic (which is totally to be expected) and is definitely deep, not fluffy. But I didn't expect Tozer to be reading The Hardy Boys.
The book is well-organized. The devotional readings are organized around topics such as worship, prayer (my two favorite sections), exhortation and doctrine. Also, there's a very helpful section in the back where there is a brief bio of each featured author.