I have really loved Randy Alcorn's books, so I was thrilled to get a chance to review "The Goodness of God: Assurance of Purpose in the Midst of Suffering." I was not disappointed. This is a small book on a big subject, but Randy Alcorn did a good job of making every word count. A lot of theology is covered, but it never took on a boring tone.
I would recommend this book to anyone wrestling with this issue, but better yet, read this book to prepare yourself when suffering inevitably comes!
Reading this review after the fact, it seems like one of the lamest ever. I guess I was just being lazy. I really did think this was an incredible book - and since it's barely over a hundred pages, it is an easy read. It was full of examples - some of Randy Alcorn's own life - and it left me with such a grand view of God's sovereignty. One of my favorite quotes was near the beginning. Hopefully, it will whet your appetite for more:
"Evil and suffering have a way of exposing our inadequate theology. When affliction comes, a weak or nominal Christian often discovers that his faith doesn't account for it or prepare him for it. His faith has been in his church, denomination, or family tradition, or in his own religious ideas - but not in Christ. As he faces evil and suffering, he may, in fact, lose his faith.
But that's actually a good thing; any faith that leaves us unprepared for suffering is a false faith that deserves to be abandoned. Genuine faith will be tested by suffering; false faith will be lost - the sooner, the better.
Believing God exists isn't the same as trusting the God who exists. If you base your faith on lack of affliction, your faith lives on the brink of extinction . . ."
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group in return for reviewing it on my blog