I took these at a gas station on Highway 11E. I assume there's no gas here (check out the price!), but someone sure has taken care of these vintage pumps. One of my favorite lines from a commercial when I was little was "You can trust your car to the man who wears the star!"

I saw quite a few signs for fireworks, but this sign had me wondering whether Wild Wilma was a local celebrity or just a retail chain:
Then I saw this sign which just struck me as funny. It says "Beware of The Dog," but I didn't see a dog - only these goats.
It's not unusual to see Bible verses on barns in Tennessee, but this sign had a message I didn't expect.
I came home and looked up the verse, and we talked about it some at dinner tonight - not a lot because I often feel like I'm in over my head when I try to explain the trinity.
Speaking of Bible verses, I'm enjoying the chalkboard I have in my kitchen now, and this is the message we have up this week: