
Monday, January 29, 2024

"Dangerous Dogs" of Lesvos

Ever since Dale Berry was attacked by a group of dogs on Lesvos in 2017, he has warned us about vicious dogs on the island.  And ever since then we have been on a mission to identify the "dangerous dogs of Lesvos."  Here is this year's version. 

At the corner store

Winnie, the camp dog

On the castle grounds

Thursday, January 25, 2024


I'm not going to name the camp or the organization we were working with on Lesvos, but please ask me if you have questions or if you'd ever like to join us on one of our volunteering trips.  It is really life-changing!

First of all, the camp is not really called a refugee camp but a "receiving and identification center - RIC."  There have been quite a few changes since we were here last, but we saw some familiar faces.  The population of the camp has more than doubled since we were here in 2023, and a lot of the extra numbers are kids.

This is the job board.  Every morning we meet for singing and prayer and then volunteer for jobs.  I was very happy that unlike in 2023, short-term workers are allowed to work in "education."  I wanted to do this last year but couldn't.  This job involved going into a trailer full of educational supplies, filling up a bag of materials, and then heading out with a clipboard to either visit individual children or get a group together for a lesson. We would be teaching basic English, the official language of the camp. 

This tarp was where I held my first "class."  

I got to teach quite a few kids to write their name in English for the first time, had a hilarious session teaching "open" and "close" to a few brothers, and then taught a little boy and his neighbors while his mom made me this delicious fried bread!  Truly one of the best things I have ever tasted. 

I probably could have spent every day working in education, but I felt like I needed to experience the different jobs.  So I also worked prepping and painting the new library and handing out diapers.  All of us worked the daily food line fairly often. 

I was very humbled that God has been able to use both Terry and I with our specific gifts.  I got to work primarily in education and Terry got to build RHUs.  

We also got to work in the warehouse where donations are sorted and stored. 
This work situation gives lots of time to visit with other volunteers and we particularly enjoyed getting to know father/daughter volunteers Rinke and Celine from the Netherlands.  

Celine lights the candles on Rinke's birthday cake. 

Leaving camp on a windy day.  Rinke and Celine are the super tall ones on the right. 

At the cozy "Blue House" for weekly Bible study and fellowship

I am so impressed with this organization and its volunteers - most of whom are in their 20s and either from the Netherlands OR from the Mennonite church in America (though the organization is neither Dutch or Mennonite!).  The fellowship is so sweet, and the organization really helps to care for the volunteers.  It was explained to us that we need to develop some callouses to do this work without constantly hurting.  But we can't become so calloused that we don't feel (our groups are probably not even in camp long enough to get to that level, but I see how it could happen).  It's the job of member care to help volunteers keep this right balance. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Sights on Lesvos

I feel like I have posted so many Lesvos photos on my blog, but all I can say unapologetically is, here are some more!

The iconic harbor of Panagouida.  I can't explain how fun it is to show up on a town on the other side of the world and be greeted by name!  

A hike on Lesvos

Some of our group stayed in this place instead of the Cosmopolitan.  It was very nice.

The corner store

In the town of Agiasos

We headed here on a rainy day when Elizabeth had been feeling poorly and then made some return trips!  It is the natural thermal spa on the edges of an inland lake.  It was under 15 minutes from Panagouida. 

The Mytilini Castle

The crypt

At the Olivewood Shop

Mercini, who has the biggest gift of hospitality of anybody I have ever known!  A truly remarkable lady!

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Ancient Corinth and Nafplion

The last time we were here, it was in the summer and well over 100 F.  Note the coats in these photos!

This is Terry's favorite Bible verse - 2 Corinthians 4:17,18 - "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

We hiked up to the AcroCorinth. 

This is our album cover shot from the trip!  We are standing atop ruins of the former temple to Aphrodite. 

Then we headed to Nafplion, a picturesque town on the Peloponnese Peninsula.
We walked around there and then ate at a wonderful little restaurant by the water.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Athens 2024

I must admit that not that many years ago, I would have found a title like "Athens 2024" to be quite confusing.  I never dreamed that Athens would be a place I would return to over and over - that it would be so familiar that I wouldn't have much need of a map.  And that not just places would be familiar - but also people.  

So here we are again in Athens - on our way to Panagouida, Lesvos, a little town on a little island where I have now spent nine weeks of my life.  I just have to say again that I did not see this coming.  God doesn't just give GOOD gifts - He gives SURPRISES.

So, SURPRISE, here we are again in Athens.  Here are some highlights from this visit.

This is the private "hotel" where all nine of us stayed.  It was close to the evangelical church and so convenient to the best parts of Athens.  It was also unbelievably cheap and included a fridge totally stocked with food.  

Of course, we didn't cook food at the hotel when Athens was beckoning.  Here is our group's first meal together.  A guy on the street said he'd take us to the best restaurant in town.  We were skeptical and a little annoyed that Darren said we'd follow him, but this place was called Ionos, and it may very well be the best food I have tasted in Athens!  I had this pasta which was called Penne Oionos, which I noted in case I'm ever in town again (and right now it seems likely).  

One "new" thing on this trip to Athens.  Look what I found at a yummy fast food restaurant called Potato King!

We visited Damaris House, a home for women who have been sex-trafficked (most are refugees). A group from our church is going to volunteer there in February 2025, Lord willing. 

And also Bridges, a ministry to refugees that our church has been involved in for some time. 

We also visited the evangelical church in Exarchia 

And though I've seen both the church and this interesting part of town, this time four of us got to attend on Sunday morning.  The rest of our group went to the evangelical church near downtown.  They have to be careful not to have to many outside visitors show up in Exarchia.  It doesn't sit well with the anarchists. 

What's missing here?  Due to an error in communication, we did not even make it to the Parthenon this trip.  Of course, we saw it from a distance!  You can't miss it!