Well, I finally reached my limit. Not my own personal limit - I reached that long ago - but I reached the limit for how many photos I could put on my blog without paying for more space! I ran into a few glitches when trying to add the space, so it put me a little behind with my blog posts.
Here are some photos I took a few weeks ago when Terry, Rebecca and I went to visit our old house that has been added onto numerous times since we sold it eleven years ago and is now on the market. This house was originally built by Terry's grandparents as a "lake house," and it remained pretty much the same from 1960-1994, when Terry and I first built an addition on the back.
You can see that it was a pretty humble house:

But what you can't see in this picture is the beautiful lake view behind the house. And after we added on, it looked like this from the lake side:

We had lots of great times in this house. It was a great house for entertaining even though it was quite small, and we had 30 or more college students meeting at our house every weekend.
Here's what the house looks like now. It's hard to appreciate the difference if you were never in the old house. The new version has an additional fireplace, an additional two bedrooms, an additional bath, etc. In fact, it is almost double the size as it was before. The kitchen had blue linoleum countertops and plaid wallpaper before. Now it's modern with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. There certainly was no spiral staircase when we lived there, but now it's got one that goes down to a "man cave."

But the basement and the waterfront hadn't changed much.

It was a very strange feeling looking around a place that had so many memories yet was so different. Terry and I both said that we would buy it back now if we could. I'd also love to buy back those sweet years when my children were little.