Most of my family has heard me talk about Five in a Row - the first homeschool curriculum I ever used! It's also the online message board that I've had as my home page since 1999.
So it was a big thrill for me to get to treat Steve and Jane Lambert, the creators of Five in a Row, to a long lunch in Johnson City yesterday! An unexpected treat was to also meet a young couple, Heidi and Jay St. John, who are working to create First Class Homeschool Co-ops all across the country (and even in England) and are also working with the Lamberts to do marriage seminars specifically geared to homeschool couples (who have some pretty unique stresses). I really felt a kindred spirit with Heidi and Jay and got the extra treat of spending some time yesterday evening with all of them again.
I have a lot to think about now as to how I might be involved in helping host a marriage seminar in this area or if/how we might align our existing co-op with First Class.